Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML)

Meets the third Saturday of the month at 11:30 a.m. in the classroom in Shepherd’s Hall.

  • New Project: Shepherd’s Care

    Shepherd’s Daughters (LWML) is forming a group to provide support for congregation members who need crisis assistance. This will include prepared meals, transportation to appointments, visits, and more.

    If you are interested in helping, please contact Linda Baker.

  • Classroom Cleaning Workday

    Shepherd’s Daughters are holding a cleaning day for Pastor’s classroom and the new Sunday school room on Saturday, July 27 at 9 a.m. Please bring your equipment and supplies to clean floors, tables, woodwork, and windows. It is rumored that doughnuts may be involved.

  • LWML Mite Sunday

    July is the Sunday for our monthly mites collection. Please bring your mite boxes, loose change, or whatever you wish and place it in the large mite box during the offertory during worship.

  • LWML Change of Meeting for May

    Shepherd’s Daughters of LWML will meeting Tuesday, May 21 at 6 p.m. due to conflicts to the regular Saturday meeting. Meeting place is the classroom at Shepherd’s Hall.

  • No LWML Mile Collection March 31

    There will be no Mite collection on Easter Sunday. The next Mite collection will be Sunday, April 28. The large Mite Box in the narthex is available if you need to empty box before then.