- The Bible (Holy Scripture) is the inspired and infallible Word of God.
- Our one God exists as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Trinity).
- Human beings, although created perfect by God, rebelled against their creator and brought sin and death into the world.
- God sent his one and only Son, Jesus, to be our Savior from sin, death, and the power of the devil.
- Salvation comes by grace, through faith, and is a gift from God to all who trust in Christ.
- The Sacraments (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper) are more than mere symbols of God’s love. God actually gives us grace through them.
- Our Lord Jesus Christ will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.
(For a more complete explanation of our beliefs, please visit: Belief and Practice at the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod’s website (