Adult Class with Pastor Bruce: “Awake & Alive to Truth”


June 2022    
11:30 am - 12:30 pm


Shepherd's Hall
2073 Garden Street, Titusville, Florida, 32796

Event Type

Beginning June 26, Pastor will be using the book Awake & Alive to Truth: Finding Truth in the Chaos of a Relativistic World by John. L. Cooper for his Sunday Bible Study.

From “John L. Cooper is the lead vocalist, bassist, and songwriter/producer for Skillet, one of the best-selling rock bands of at the 21st century…. John and his wife Korey have been touring together for the entirety of their 23 years of marriage and live in Kenosha, WI with their two children. John and Korey are passionate about sharing the truth of Christ to the world through music, the Cooper Stuff Podcast, two Skillet graphic novels entitled Eden and Eden: The Aftermath, and now through his debut book, Awake & Alive to Truth.”