The Altar Guild will hold a walk-through of the Altar Guild Book for new and current members on Saturday, August 10 at 10 a.m.
Category Archives: Altar Guild
Calling for Altar Guild Members
Good Shepherd Lutheran has only eight Altar Guild members, which is not sufficient to fulfill the duties of the Altar Guild. Please pray and see if you are being called to prepare the altar and sacraments for Sunday Worship Service and other special services throughout the year.
Christ’s Spirit fills us with songs of thanksgiving for all that God has done for us. In response to all of this, we are called to offer ourselves in service to Christ. Schedules are flexible and easily adapted to change as may be-come necessary.
Is Christ calling you to offer your time and talents in Service to Him, the church (His body)?
Altar Guild training will be held in a few weeks (date to be announced.)
Contacts for Altar Guild: Barbara Gullikson and Barbara Corey
Church Christmas Tree Trimming
Please join us to beautify the church in preparation for the Christmas festivities on December 9th at 9 a.m.
Altar Guild needs a few good people
The Altar Guild is a special ministry that serves the church by preparing the sacraments for communion. Betty Kogok, who has led the Guild for years, is stepping down and other members have moved away. This leaves us with openings to serve Good Shepherd in this ministry.
Please prayerfully consider joining the Altar Guild and being part of this unique and sacred service community. Call Betty Kogok or Christine in the church office for more information.