Category Archives: News

Food Pantry looking for donations & new leadership

The Food Pantry is seeking donations of money and listed food items to continue its ministry. It also needs new people to serve as the current people need to step aside. Please consider joining the Food Pantry team and also donating money or the following items:

 Canned Meals
 Beef Stew
 Chicken & Dumplings
 Spaghetti & Meatballs
 Ravioli
 Tuna Helper
 Tuna
 Dried Milk (in quart packages)
 Canned Fruit
 Peanut Butter/Jelly
 Cereal
 Crackers
 Rice (small packages)
 Pasta/Pasta Sauce
Please, No Substitutes.

New address for Good Shepherd’s campus

The Sanctuary, Early Learning Center and Shepherd’s Hall are now ALL at 2073 Garden Street, but with the addition of A, B, or C. See the following:

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 2073, Building A, Titusville, FL 32796

Early Learning Center, 2073, Building B, Titusville, FL 32796

Shepherd’s Hall, 2073, Building C, Titusville, FL 32796

Please use the new addresses on your correspondence.

Cleaning Day 7/27/2024

The women of Shepherd’s Daughters (and Lary Hall) had a great time while cleaning Pastor’s classroom, the new Sunday School classroom, and the small kitchen. See below for the results.

Join us next time when we work again to make God’s House beautiful.

New Ministry at GSLC: Shepherd’s Care

“Truly I say to you, as you did unto one of the least of these my brothers, you did unto me.” (Matt. 25:40)

Shepherd’s Care is a ministry to help those in need in our congregation. We would love to have YOU join us as we serve our fellow believers. Some examples of care provided include:

•Meals for members recovering from surgeries, hospitalizations, or
• Rides to doctor’s appointment or run errands
• Sitting with someone who is ill or recovering—both as
companionship and to give a caregiver a respite
• Other needs as they arise

There are no requirements to be on this team other than love for fellow church members and willingness to help. When a need arises, you help as you are able.

If you know of someone in our congregation who could use our support or if you want to help, please contact Linda, Judy, or Amber

Calling for Altar Guild Members

Good Shepherd Lutheran has only eight Altar Guild members, which is not sufficient to fulfill the duties of the Altar Guild. Please pray and see if you are being called to prepare the altar and sacraments for Sunday Worship Service and other special services throughout the year.

Christ’s Spirit fills us with songs of thanksgiving for all that God has done for us. In response to all of this, we are called to offer ourselves in service to Christ. Schedules are flexible and easily adapted to change as may be-come necessary.

Is Christ calling you to offer your time and talents in Service to Him, the church (His body)?

Altar Guild training will be held in a few weeks (date to be announced.)

Contacts for Altar Guild: Barbara Gullikson and Barbara Corey

Money Counters Needed

We are in need of two volunteers to count money after worship service once a month. Counting takes around one hour. Please contact Susan Ritchie, Financial Secretary, if you are available to help.

Pew Bibles Missing

We are missing pew Bibles. If you have borrowed a pew Bible, please return that copy to the sanctuary. For those who would like to pur-chase a new ESV pew Bible, they are for sale for $15. The fifteen dollar price is subject to change as the price of paper continues to rise.

Voters’ Meeting June 2 after worship

2024-2025 Proposed Budget will be discussed at the Voters’ Meeting on June 02, 2024, right after the worship service. Remember, to be able to participate in the voters’ meeting, you need to be a current member of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

A copy of the proposed budget is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex (next to church office). There are also printed copies on the table near the office. This same proposed budget has already been emailed to all eligible voting members. If you are a current member and did not receive an email, please email or call the office to be sure that your correct email is on file.

Volunteer Schedules

Debbie Hall is in charge of making monthly schedules. If you are unable to serve during the time listed on the monthly sched-ule or in the upcoming month, please let Debbie or Christine (in the office) know this fact.

Food Pantry News

First, please–no more plastic bags. The Pantry has enough for now.

Second, the Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is Saturday, May 11. Paul Minor is seeking some able-bodied people to help get the food from the Post Office. he has pickup trucks and need people to load and unload. He also needs people on Monday, May 13 to sort and store the donations. If you can help, please email to call Paul.

Dinner and a Movie a Great Success

Shepherd’s Daughters, the GSLC branch of the LWML, raised $462.41 from its inaugural fund-raiser of a Lasagna dinner with the movie The Quiet Man. Sixty-62 tickets with sold (with some donations) and fifty-six people enjoyed plenty of food and dessert, popcorn, and a great Irish movie.

Shepherd’s Daughters plan to use the money raised for service projects.

Basket Raffle Fundraiser

The Chili Cookoff Basket Raffle has become the Sunday Basket Raffle! All baskets will be on display in the narthex Sunday, March 10 & 17. Bid high and bid fast to raise money for the church general fund and to win the basket of items you want.

ELC Grandparent Program Resuming

Are you a Grandparent? Do you have Grandchildren close by? Some of the children at the ELC have that, and some don’t. Good Shepherd has had an “Adopted Grandparent/Grandchild” program for many years, but it was interrupted in 2020 when Covid made its appearance. Now it’s time to start again.

What is an Adopted Grandparent?

  • Someone who shares the love of Jesus with a young child?
  • Someone who stands in the gap for a child who needs more adults in his or her life?
  • Someone who visits the ELC during special events and remembers the little one’s birthday with a card and/or small gift?
  • Someone who calls and prays for a specific family on a regular basis?
  • Someone who invites the child and family to worship and/or special activities at the church?
  • Someone who helps a family make a connection between the ELC and the church?
  • Someone who would like to be blessed by having a young child run to you yelling, “Grandma, Grandpa” when you visit?

We invite you to pray about joining the Adopted Grandparent Program and enjoy the blessings of having a sweet young child be a part of your life.

Stay tuned for more information about how to become a part of this outreach ministry.

Dinner and Movie Fundraiser for LWML

Image by Freeimages.comCopy attribution

Help Shepherd’s Daughters raise money for future LWML projects by buying a ticket to their Dinner and A Movie on March 16. $8 for a lasagna plate dinner with tossed salad, Italian bread, and dump cake plus popcorn and a showing of The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O’Sullivan. Lemonade and water offered for drinks. Not a bad price for dinner, fellowship, and a great Irish movie.

Dinner starts at 5 p.m. with the movie at 6 p.m. Tickets will be available after worship on Sundays and Wednesday from February 18 to March 6. Talk to Linda Baker for more information.

Ash Wednesday and Lenten Schedule

Ash Wednesday is February 14. Worship followed by a soup lunch is at 11 a.m. (meal in Shepherd’s Hall). Evening service is at 6:30 p.m. Both will have Imposition of Ashes.

Lenten worship will be on Wednesdays, Feb 21 through March 20, at 11 a.m. (with soup) and 6:30 p.m.

Maundy Thursday is March 28. Good Friday is March 29. Easter is March 31. Worship times will be announced.,