Category Archives: Meeting

Voters’ Meeting June 2 after worship

2024-2025 Proposed Budget will be discussed at the Voters’ Meeting on June 02, 2024, right after the worship service. Remember, to be able to participate in the voters’ meeting, you need to be a current member of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

A copy of the proposed budget is posted on the bulletin board in the Narthex (next to church office). There are also printed copies on the table near the office. This same proposed budget has already been emailed to all eligible voting members. If you are a current member and did not receive an email, please email or call the office to be sure that your correct email is on file.

Congregational Strategic Planning Retreat – 02/17/2017

The Strategic Planning Committee has established Saturday, February 17th, for our Congregational Retreat. We will start at 10:00 am and target to be finished by 2:00 pm. Lunch will be provided. It will be held in Shepherd’s Hall and we urge everyone to join us for this extremely important workshop. We promise you an informative presentation and an opportunity to explore the path for which the Lord has planned for us at Good Shepherd. Be sure to mark your calendars!

Voters Meeting January 28 after Worship

This is the rescheduled November 2023 meeting.

On the agenda is the election of officers and board members. The current Proposed Roster of Candidates is below.

Nominations are still open. Contact a member of the Nominating Committee (Rickey Hall, Brett Stone, Pastor Bruce, Barbara Gullikson, Paul Maurer, and Joe LaBerge) or drop your nomination in writing at the church office. Candidates should be members of Good Shepherd for at least one year to be eligible to serve.

Nominating Committee Meeting January 4

The Nominating Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 4, to discuss candidates for Good Shepherd’s church leadership and boards. Candidates will be on the ballot at the upcoming Voter’s Meeting. This meeting will be in the Sanctuary.

Committee members are Pastor Bruce, Richey Hall, Brett Stone, Barbara Gullikson, Joe Laberge, and Paul Maurer.

To nominate a member as a candidate for office or board, please submit that person’s name in writing to one of the committee members.

LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) meeting Update: meet in classroom

October 28 at 11:30 a.m. in Shepherd’s Hall Classroom (to stay out of the way of those setting up for Oktoberfest)

All Good Shepherd women invited to help restart the Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML.) We’ll discuss monthly meeting times, structure of group, project both for LWML and for Good Shepherd, the Spring Rally, women’s circles, and more.  Please bring your lunch and drink; there will be sheet cake for dessert.  Talk to Wendy Green or Linda Baker for more information.

If you can’t attend this meeting, let us or the church office know and we’ll keep you in the loop.

Voter’s meeting Sunday September 10

There will be a voter’s meeting for the Good Shepherd congregation on Sunday, September 10 in the sanctuary after worship. The main agenda item is the approval of the budget for next year. Copies will be available in the narthex; it is also posted on the Board of Directors’ bulletin board by the church office.

Kingdon Seeds Meeting June 30 at 6 p.m.

Good Shepherd’s outreach effort Kingdom Seeds will meet in the sanctuary meeting room on Thursday, June 30. at 6 p.m.  On the agenda is discussion of the concert on June 24 and finding people to support our future concerts and events.  If you are interested in this outreach, want to help with the concerts, or just want to help plan, please join this meeting.

Church Planting discussion with Dr. Peter Meier

Dr. Peter Meier, the Executive Director of Missions and Outreach for the Florida-Georgia District, will be at Good Shepherd on Thursday, June 9 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss ways Good Shepherd can reach out to our community and others.  The congregation is invited to join the discussion. Location to be announced.

Semi-annual Voters Meeting on Sunday, May 22

After our worship service at 9:30am on Sunday May 22nd, we will hold our Semi-Annual Voters Meeting in the Sanctuary. No live-stream is available for this meeting. The budget will be discussed. Please make a note on your calendars and plan on attending this meeting.

Women’s Group/LWML Organizational Meeting

Ladies: We would like another meeting on Monday, April 11 at 6:30 pm for anyone who couldn’t come to Friday March 4 meeting. It will be in the meeting room in the Sanctuary for all the ladies in the congregation who would like to get a “Women’s group” together. We will talk about things that we can do at church. It will be about an hour long. Please come and help us organize some activities. Contact Shirley Kaiser or the church office for more information.

If you have a suggestion for a more convenient day and/or time please let us know.