The Basket Auction raised $410 for the general fund. Thank you to all who participated and congratulations to the winners.
Category Archives: Fund-raiser
Basket Bidding Fund-raiser to end Saturday, March 23
Saturday, March 23, is the last day to bid on the baskets in the Narthex. You can com e by the church and update your bids in person or call the office by Friday, March 22. The highest bidders will be announced after worship on the 24th of March.
Money raised will go to Good Shepherd’s general fund.
Dinner and a Movie a Great Success
Shepherd’s Daughters, the GSLC branch of the LWML, raised $462.41 from its inaugural fund-raiser of a Lasagna dinner with the movie The Quiet Man. Sixty-62 tickets with sold (with some donations) and fifty-six people enjoyed plenty of food and dessert, popcorn, and a great Irish movie.
Shepherd’s Daughters plan to use the money raised for service projects.
Les Miserables: The Ballet April 6 & 12
Basket Raffle Fundraiser
The Chili Cookoff Basket Raffle has become the Sunday Basket Raffle! All baskets will be on display in the narthex Sunday, March 10 & 17. Bid high and bid fast to raise money for the church general fund and to win the basket of items you want.
Dinner and Movie Fundraiser for LWML

Image by
Help Shepherd’s Daughters raise money for future LWML projects by buying a ticket to their Dinner and A Movie on March 16. $8 for a lasagna plate dinner with tossed salad, Italian bread, and dump cake plus popcorn and a showing of The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O’Sullivan. Lemonade and water offered for drinks. Not a bad price for dinner, fellowship, and a great Irish movie.
Dinner starts at 5 p.m. with the movie at 6 p.m. Tickets will be available after worship on Sundays and Wednesday from February 18 to March 6. Talk to Linda Baker for more information.

POSTPONED: Chili Cook-off
New Date to be announced

Gift Baskets for Chili Cook Off Raffle:
Please bring in items to put in the gift baskets. There is a box in the Narthex for donated food or gift items for the baskets. We need enough for three baskets. This is a church effort to raise funds. Please be generous with the basket items so that we may raffle off some lovely baskets with many items in them. Thank you!
Volunteers Needed for the Chili Cook Off:
Gift basket assembly; food preparation the day of the cook off – chopped onions & shredded cheese; and money exchangers. Please let Rickey Hall know if you can help with any of these needs.
Cookoff Participants: Please sign the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.
For questions contact the church office, 321-267-4323 or Rickey Hall
Rummage Sale Thank You
Thank you to all who helped make the rummage sale a success. Many volunteers put long hours into sorting, tagging, arranging, boxing, etc. This was truly a joint effort by many, many people. The results were astonishing. Now only was money raised for some special projects, but the community was blessed. Additionally, there was much fellowship and comradery. Good job, church!
Taco Dinner a Success
The Taco Dinner raised $900. Thank you to all who worked to provide the food and decortations.
Need Items for Rummage Sale in September
Good Shepherd will hold a rummage sale (tentative date is Saturday, Sept. 16.) Please start bringing items to donate now; they will be stored until the sale. Clothing must be clean and in good condition; no furniture or extremely large items. Please be mindful of what is donatedl we want to raise funds and also bless our community.
Shepherd’s Hall Roof Update
The roof replacement and stucco work is complete. We still need help with funds for thid project. Will you prayerfully consider contributing to the project? The expense for both the roof anand stucco, jointly, has cost just under $65,000.
Congratulations to 2023 Chili Cookoff Winners
Juried Award
First Place: Any and Carla Gilmour
Second Place: Susan Reusser
Third Place: Debra Hall
Peoples’ Choice Award
Susan Reusser
A big Thank You to all participants and those who volunteered to run the Cookoff
Taco Dinner Fund-raiser Saturday, March 31 at 6 p.m.
To raise money for new computers for the office and the worship tech, there will be a taco dinner in Shepherd’s Hall on Saturday, March 31 at 6 p.m.